Bankruptcy Attorneys

At Burch & Cracchiolo, we view bankruptcy-related proceedings as part of the larger continuum of commercial transactions, a deal or financial relationship has simply gone astray. Claims give rise to commercial litigation, a judgment is rendered, or a receiver about to be appointed, and the matter moves to a bankruptcy forum. We have an active presence in the full range of sophisticated debtor-creditor rights, both in and out of bankruptcy court. We represent banks, insurance companies, and other major creditors who find themselves as claimants in bankruptcy proceedings and non-bankruptcy workout situations. The firm regularly represents parties in complex bankruptcy litigation at the trial court and appellate levels.

Practicing Bankruptcy Attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona

Bankruptcy Reorganizations and Liquidations

Our team of bankruptcy litigators provides the unique combination of specialized knowledge of the bankruptcy process with experience in complex multi-party litigation disputes. We draw on our knowledge and depth of experience in banking regulation, tax and business law to provide the full set of skills required to meet our clients' demands.

Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys represent secured and unsecured lenders and lender groups, as well as landlords, trade creditors and bondholders, in the full range of litigation matters that start or end up in bankruptcy court or which arise out of insolvency issues.

We routinely practice in federal bankruptcy and district courts and have a strong track record in appeals before the district and appellate courts.



At Burch & Cracchiolo, we support our clients with collections of bad accounts, replevin, receivership and garnishment actions and executions. Our attorneys are experienced with collections matters of all types, avoiding litigation when possible and pursuing vigorous collection in the courts when necessary.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Lien Enforcement

In conjunction with our Construction and Real Estate lawyers, we provide clients with comprehensive services necessary to enforce UCC liens, landlord liens, mechanic liens and other personal property liens.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Real Estate Workouts

Burch & Cracchiolo's real estate attorneys, with assistance from our attorneys who specialize in creditors' rights, bankruptcy and reorganization, have worked with numerous institutions on the full spectrum of loan modifications, assumptions, workouts and restructuring of loans, receiverships and bankruptcies.


Receivers or conservators are often assigned by courts to direct the disposition of assets for a corporation, individual or estate in bankruptcy, to help creditors recoup their loans to the extent possible. Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys have extensive experience working with receivers and conservators for the benefit of our clients.

Burch & Cracchiolo attorney Ryan Anderson has a robust practice representing court appointed fiduciaries, specifically Court Appointed Receivers and Bankruptcy Trustees. With arguably the largest dedicated receivership practice in the State, Ryan provides clients with the legal resources for the successful administration of any receivership or court appointed fiduciary engagement. Ryan’s success in the representation of receivers stems from decades of experience in the area, comprehensive understanding of the legal and business issues that arise in any type of receivership, as well as focus on providing efficient, timely, and cost-effective legal counsel to clients while preserving the assets that are the subject of the Receivership Estate for distribution to the creditors.

Partners/Of Counsel:

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